CPD with the NSTA | reflectivemaths

Just before half term, my school took part in the North Somerset Teaching Alliance’s joint Inset day. This involved seven local schools working together to share ideas on teaching and building networks. Here is my summary of the aspects I was involved in.

Subject specific teachmeet

Jimi talked through some approaches he uses for starters and some easy ways to vary tasks in a way that isn’t a lot of work for the teacher while still helping students approach questions in a variety of ways.

Tim showed us some nice Geogebra applets and encouraged us to explore the ready made ideas.


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CPD with the NSTA | reflectivemaths

Just before half term, my school took part in the North Somerset Teaching Alliance’s joint Inset day. This involved seven local schools working together to share ideas on teaching and building networks. Here is my summary of the aspects I was involved in.

Subject specific teachmeet

Jimi talked through some approaches he uses for starters and some easy ways to vary tasks in a way that isn’t a lot of work for the teacher while still helping students approach questions in a variety of ways.

Tim showed us some nice Geogebra applets and encouraged us to explore the ready made ideas.


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Critical Analysis of Data | reflectivemaths

I’m beginning to plan out my Critical Analysis lessons for Core Maths and I thought I’d share some of the plans and links.

This is an ‘article’ that I’ll show my students:
Superstition dies out in England

People have often been suspicious of the number 13, believing it brings bad luck. This meant that when new roads were built, developers would not include a house number 13 and blocks of flats would miss out floor 13. However, a recent poll suggests that almost half of the roads in England do have a house number 13 as modern developers have decided to go against tradition and include the…

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Critical Analysis of Data | reflectivemaths

I’m beginning to plan out my Critical Analysis lessons for Core Maths and I thought I’d share some of the plans and links.

This is an ‘article’ that I’ll show my students:
Superstition dies out in England

People have often been suspicious of the number 13, believing it brings bad luck. This meant that when new roads were built, developers would not include a house number 13 and blocks of flats would miss out floor 13. However, a recent poll suggests that almost half of the roads in England do have a house number 13 as modern developers have decided to go against tradition and include the…

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Core Maths revision | reflectivemaths

I’ve been marking mock exams and, having come to a natural pause in the lessons, I’ve put a single sheet of questions together that covers a large number of the topics we’ve covered so far. This was partly inspired by Tom Rainbow (of the AMSP) and making me think about just how much work you can get out of a single table of results in preliminary material.

Document: coremathsrevisionquestions

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Core Maths revision | reflectivemaths

I’ve been marking mock exams and, having come to a natural pause in the lessons, I’ve put a single sheet of questions together that covers a large number of the topics we’ve covered so far. This was partly inspired by Tom Rainbow (of the AMSP) and making me think about just how much work you can get out of a single table of results in preliminary material.

Document: coremathsrevisionquestions

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Introducing the Normal Distribution | reflectivemaths

I like teaching the Normal Distribution as it’s so obviously useful in so many situations! It links really well to psychology, biology and geography courses too.

I introduce it by asking students to measure their own handspan and then:

After we’ve had a look at those, I then ask them to sketch three more:

And then…

Basically, they’re the same kind of shape, with a peak at the ‘average’ and then tailing off to either side. How ‘wide’ the tails are depend on the standard deviation and this seems to be a fairly intuitive reason.

They don’t need it, but I like showing my students the…

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Introducing the Normal Distribution | reflectivemaths

I like teaching the Normal Distribution as it’s so obviously useful in so many situations! It links really well to psychology, biology and geography courses too.

I introduce it by asking students to measure their own handspan and then:

After we’ve had a look at those, I then ask them to sketch three more:

And then…

Basically, they’re the same kind of shape, with a peak at the ‘average’ and then tailing off to either side. How ‘wide’ the tails are depend on the standard deviation and this seems to be a fairly intuitive reason.

They don’t need it, but I like showing my students the…

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Core Maths Mock, Marking and Talk | reflectivemaths

It’s been a busy couple of weeks trying to prepare the year 12s for their mock Core Maths exam. We decided to use last year’s paper 1 with some of the questions swapped out if we’ve not covered those topics yet.

I have not completed the marking yet – I was expecting marking 31 of these to be time consuming but I’ve underestimated. When it’s done, I’ll write up some of my findings.

I’m giving a talk in Exeter on Wednesday (details here) via the AMSP about delivering Core Maths for the first time. I appreciate it’s bit late notice but if you’re going to be there, please say “Hi”. I won’t…

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Core Maths Mock, Marking and Talk | reflectivemaths

It’s been a busy couple of weeks trying to prepare the year 12s for their mock Core Maths exam. We decided to use last year’s paper 1 with some of the questions swapped out if we’ve not covered those topics yet.

I have not completed the marking yet – I was expecting marking 31 of these to be time consuming but I’ve underestimated. When it’s done, I’ll write up some of my findings.

I’m giving a talk in Exeter on Wednesday (details here) via the AMSP about delivering Core Maths for the first time. I appreciate it’s bit late notice but if you’re going to be there, please say “Hi”. I won’t…

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